Site icon Freedom Car Rental Hakuba

Pre-Check In

This is our pre-check in form. Please enter the details of the main driver, who signs the rental contract, comes to pick up the car, and takes responsibility for the vehicle during the rental period. The insurance on the car covers anyone who has the correct licenses to drive in Japan. There is no fee for additional drivers, but we need to know their names and to see their national license and IDP. If other drivers in your group are not coming when you collect the car, please bring their license and IDP, or photocopies of them. You can make photocopies at any convenience store in Hakuba. Photocopies are not valid for the main driver of the car. All named drivers must have their license and IDP on them when they actually drive the car. If you have more additional drivers than the number of fields, please add their names in the “Comment” field.

If any of the entries do not apply, e.g., you do not have accommodation or are staying with friends, please mention it in the comments.

If you need a child seat for the car, please leave a comment also just to be certain. Please do so even if we have already billed you for a child seat.

The items marked with a red star (*) are required.

Go to the full page to view and submit the form.

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